Simple Ways To Raise Funds For Kids Against Hunger

  1. Have a coin drive contest – pit kids against adults, one grade against another – men against women and hold a change collection fundraiser.
  2. Have your church, organization, business – do a packaging event.
  3. Have your business become a "Sponsoring Business" donating monthly or annually.
  4. Become a monthly donor yourself with a $10-$25 monthly pledge.
  5. Use your employer's matching gift program to double your contribution to Kids Against Hunger.
  6. Kids do chores for family members or within the community and donate the money to Kids Against Hunger.
  7. Sponsor a dinner party to raise awareness and funds for Kids Against Hunger.
  8. Organize a "Walk-for-Kids Against Hunger" in your community (or run, bike, skate, bowl).
  9. Take a special offering for Kids Against Hunger in your church.
  10. In lieu of presents, collect donations for your birthday, Christmas, anniversary-etc.
  11. Hold a bake sale, pancake/waffle breakfast, spaghetti dinner.
  12. Hold a neighborhood/school-wide/church-wide garage sale to raise money for Kids Against Hunger.

For information on setting up a packaging session contact Amy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.